24 Hours in Wilmington, North Carolina


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On a crazy whim, we decided to drive (12 hours!) to Wilmington, NC to check it out!!

We left at 2 am with a couple bags and baby in tow. Surprisingly it went really smooth, it was just a looooong drive. Thank you to the creators of Diego, my little one was in a trance as long as he was on the tv. I can tell you that four days later, I can’t get that theme song out of my head!

We ended up in Wilmington at 3pm and went straight to the realtors office. Then we drove around in his car for an hour on a quick tour of Wrightsville beach and a few neighborhoods. We checked into our hotel and grabbed a bite to eat and then crashed!

The next morning we drove into downtown and took in the sights. If you’ve ever watched One Tree Hill, you’ll recognize everywhere we were. The River Walk along  Cape Fear River Basin, Battleship Carolina, the historical district, all amazing! The locals were so friendly and of course we asked a lot of people how they like living there. We got a lot of great first hand information and opinions on the neighborhoods and events.

By 2pm we had to leave and we made it home at 3am! Thanks again Diego!

We loved it and I’m hoping this will soon be our new home!


North Carolina or Bust!!


Right in the middle of being overwhelmed with my 18 year old finishing high school, trying to plan prom and graduation, truck shopping, scholarships, teen drama, oooohhh and there’s too much more to list when it comes to my little monkey! He’s and adventure everyday. I should probably write more about that. He could be a very entertaining book subject!! And my boyfriend and his overwhelming job as a chef and his legal issues-traffic issues really. Unpaid speeding ticket that snowballed. But, right in the middle of all of this stuff, we decide it’s a great idea to move out of state.

Its been a dream of mine for sometime to get out of Florida and live on the east coast. More specifically, Wilmington, NC. I’ve lived in Sarasota, FL for 20 years and spent a year and a half in Atlanta. I wasn’t crazy about either one. Although Tennessee is beautiful and my entire family is there, it’s not for me. I need to be near the ocean. It’s like meditation for me. When I’m staring out at the horizon and listening to the sounds of the waves, it always makes everything better.

I’ve grown to want change of seasons and fall leaves and to wear these super hot boots I bought myself two years ago. I have gorgeous sweaters boxed up and scarves I’ve never had the chance to wear. After all these years with no change of view, weather, people, I’m really longing for it.

Before I met my boyfriend, I’d just gotten out of a 10 year relationship. My son was 15. I worked as much as I could and saved every penny. I had a goal for my life and I was working hard towards it. I planned to get my son off to college, give him my Explorer, treat myself to a used Range Rover and pack up for St Augustine, FL. I wanted to spend some time there and to see if I could start up a business or land a dream job. And if it didn’t work out there, then Wilmington. I had fallen in love with it watching old episodes of Dawsons Creek and One Tree Hill. It has everything I’m looking for, the city, the country, the beach and change of seasons. And the neighborhoods have character and history. Then I met my boyfriend, had a baby and my teenager is a little tiffed about the Explorer becoming unavailable.

But I didn’t let go of my dream.

So when my boyfriend said “I think we should do it”, I could feel my heart leap from my cheat in excitement! Of course we are going to research everything and make a few trips up and make sure there are jobs and great schools. But I want information from real people there, not just websites. If you know anything about Wilmington or know someone who does, I’d love to hear all about it. The good and bad, pros and cons. My number one concern is a safe and family friendly neighborhood.

If you can share any knowledge with me, that would be great!! Let’s see if I can make my dream come true before the leaves change!!

Easter Wreath and Fabric Eggs


Easter Wreath:

All items purchased at the dollar store. A wreath, ribbon, artificial foliage and plastic eggs. The only other item need was a glue gun.

I first wrapped the ribbon around the wreath and tacked it down with glue. Second, I pulled apart the foliage from the stems and glued them to the wreath. Lastly I glued eggs in between the foliage.


Fabric Eggs:

Items needed are fabric scraps and sewing machine.

I found these on a blog called retro-mama.blogspot.com. There you can see her beautiful photos and a step by step tutorial. Much better than my basic directions. I didn’t use a pattern, just kind of free-handed it. You will cut out four exact pieces in fabric. Lay two pieces right sides together and sew one edge. Add a third piece placing right sides together and sew one edge. Add the fourth piece and do the same. When you sew your last edge, leave a gap. Turn inside out, stuff and hand sew closed.


Fun Stuffed Owl


This was made with some fabric scraps and ric rac.

For the front I sewed together several squares and then cut it into an owl shape. I then cut out a piece of fabric for the back. I used other scraps for the beak, eyes and wings. Then added ric rac on the front and back for a little extra embellishment. Sew right sides togher leaving a gap, turn inside out, stuff and hand sew closed.

Fast, cute and easy! Now my baby says “owl” and “who-who”!

March is Going Out Like a Lion


Oh my, where did this month go? And quite honestly, I wish it would hurry up and be over already!

It started off so calm, spring settling in, kids on spring break, spending hours with my baby outside playing in the sprinkler and planting seeds.

Somehow life found me in the middle of all that springtime bliss and decided I need a reality check or drama or whatever you want to call it.

I have an 18 year old son, surprisingly not the source of any drama, who is trying to apply for scholarships, make money, finish his senior year of high school, have a life, and map everything out he needs to do the next two months. He has been wonderful, it’s his father that’s causing issues, stressing us both out, confusing him on his plans, and so on.

I have a 23 month old who is a wild free spirit and no, he’s never a cause for drama. Just a lot of messes and so much fun. But his father, my BF, drama q.u.e.e.n. He’s been in a bad mood since Christmas. To explain it more accurately, he was a Grinch at Christmas and just hasn’t stepped out of that role yet. He causes more drama than anyone needs in a lifetime. This is the result of spoiled and overly controlled parenting. Not a good mix.

So when I thought I would have nothing to do and be close to boredom, I was so wrong. Maybe it’s something in the universe causing men to get their undies in a wad. It’s not a full moon.

A big thanks to my beautiful girlfriends who have let me complain! The older I get the more thankful I am for the women in my life and the less I care to learn about what makes men tick.

I’m riding out the last week on March, bumpy as it is, in hopes April will bring a calm back to everything. And it’s my birthday month, I’m turning 40, it’s all about me!

Toddlers Hot Wheels Back Pack & Play Case


These two I found on the internet, I didn’t have a pattern for either. But I was searching for something my little one could use to bring his Hot Wheels along on the occasional trip to a restaurant. We usually can’t leave the house until he has selected the appropriate selection of cars and trucks. But we really didn’t have a tote his size to put them all in.

For the Play Case I used a green fat square for the main piece of fabric. I eyed the gray fabric and used it to mimic a road. I then made pockets and stitched those down so that cars could be stored in them. I chose another fat square for the outside fabric and attached them by first sewing them right sides together, then turning inside out and top stitching. I added a  strip of fabric on the outside so that when it is rolled up it can be tied.

For the back pack I found an easy tutorial at atsecondstreet.blogspot.com. I couldn’t download the pattern on my ipod and I still had no problems putting this together. I used fat squares but next time I would use a stronger fabric. She also uses D rings but I sewed mine together. And since the fabric I used wasn’t very stiff, I top stitched the entire thing which helped. Again, it was super easy!


Olay Total Effects


I don’t normally talk about products but I am literally days away from 40 (OMG!!!!!!) and I am starting to panic here!!! Mostly being home with kids all day I don’t wear make up a lot anymore. I have noticed the toll sunbathing has taken on my skin and the horrible sun spots all over. My skin has also become dull and always looks dry so those little lines are really standing out.

I have always used Oil of Olay as a moisturizer because it’s the only one that doesn’t break my face out. There are so many wrinkle products out there I didn’t know where to begin, so I stuck with what I know. I decided to give Olay Total Effects a try and I was not disappointed!

I really, really wish I would have taken before pictures! In about 2 to 3 days my skin looked moisturized which made the dry appearance and little fine lines seem to disappear. The dull, pasty look was gone and I had a pink back to my tone. My biggest amazement, those sun spots – gone!

I recommend trying it and there are also a few more products I’m going to try out. I’m on the look out for something to brighten up my tired eye look!!

Recent Photos of My Munchkin
