Tag Archives: birthday

March is Going Out Like a Lion


Oh my, where did this month go? And quite honestly, I wish it would hurry up and be over already!

It started off so calm, spring settling in, kids on spring break, spending hours with my baby outside playing in the sprinkler and planting seeds.

Somehow life found me in the middle of all that springtime bliss and decided I need a reality check or drama or whatever you want to call it.

I have an 18 year old son, surprisingly not the source of any drama, who is trying to apply for scholarships, make money, finish his senior year of high school, have a life, and map everything out he needs to do the next two months. He has been wonderful, it’s his father that’s causing issues, stressing us both out, confusing him on his plans, and so on.

I have a 23 month old who is a wild free spirit and no, he’s never a cause for drama. Just a lot of messes and so much fun. But his father, my BF, drama q.u.e.e.n. He’s been in a bad mood since Christmas. To explain it more accurately, he was a Grinch at Christmas and just hasn’t stepped out of that role yet. He causes more drama than anyone needs in a lifetime. This is the result of spoiled and overly controlled parenting. Not a good mix.

So when I thought I would have nothing to do and be close to boredom, I was so wrong. Maybe it’s something in the universe causing men to get their undies in a wad. It’s not a full moon.

A big thanks to my beautiful girlfriends who have let me complain! The older I get the more thankful I am for the women in my life and the less I care to learn about what makes men tick.

I’m riding out the last week on March, bumpy as it is, in hopes April will bring a calm back to everything. And it’s my birthday month, I’m turning 40, it’s all about me!